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FOUNDATION Functional Medicine and Aesthetics in Boise, ID

Updated: Jun 3

Over the past decade since becoming a mom I've experienced a variety of health changes. Most of which I've chalked up to "normal mom things" like "mom brain" (brain fog), chronic fatigue, anxiety, a plethora of body changes and more. (I'm assuming the majority of you reading this can relate...) Being a parent is a real trip and without intentionality, health issues can become abundant and often be left on the back burner. At least that was the case for me!

Over the past year I've felt a shift in things for me and a real desire to get on top of my health. I've always considered myself "kinda crunchy" and err on the side of holistic treatments and natural medicine when possible. That being said, I think there's a real time and place for modern medicine in not only treatment but preventative care. I've always been intrigued by the idea of functional medicine and had heard enough good things about Lyndsy Kinghorn and her team at FOUNDATION Functional Medicine and Aesthetics that I scheduled an appointment. 

logo with triangular shape and the words FOUNDATION Functional Medicine & Aesthetics
"Functional Medicine at FOUNDATION encompasses a whole-body, personalized, evidence backed, integrative and functional approach to disease reversal, prevention, and health optimization through a patient centered team approach. By blending the best of modern medicine with the wisdom of holistic practices we help men, women, and children take control of their health, reverse disease, find healing, improve vitality, and achieve optimal health."

Lyndsy, owner of FOUNDATION, is a Board-Certified Family Nurse Practitioner. She truly believes the future of medicine is individualized/personal medicine and created her practice around this belief. Lyndsy is known as the "Gut Guru". She specializes in gut health as she believes this is the root of all disease. Prior to my first visit I completed a very thorough online health history questionnaire where I was able to share about everything I was struggling with. During my first in person visit with Lyndsy I was blown away by the high quality care I received. We spent over an hour talking through my health history, chronic problems and current concerns and I was so appreciative of the holistic approach she took with me. It wasn't just checking boxes on a long form but being asked thoughtful questions about my daily life and I felt like I was really being heard and seen as an individual. I am so appreciative of FOUNDATION's focus being on creating real, solid foundations for wellness and not just treating my symptoms and moving on. We talked through lifestyle modifications and how things like stress levels, sleep and diet affect our entire system. She gave me her undivided attention and I left feeling confident and excited to work on my specific needs under her expert direction. 

woman in white lab coat sitting in front of a fireplace with a laptop in her lap
Lyndsy Kinghorn, owner of FOUNDATION and Board-Certified Family Nurse Practitioner

Whether you're dealing with chronic illness, hormone imbalances, or other health conditions or want guidance as you improve your overall health, working with the team at FOUNDATION will be well worth your time and investment. You'll receive the highest level of care from the most compassionate people as you work towards optimal wellness - whatever that looks like for YOU. I highly recommend scheduling a FREE Discovery Call! You will first meet with the patient coordinator who will help understand your needs and how FOUNDATION can help you. Then you'll have the chance to do a meet and greet with one of the providers or health coaches and go from there.

On top of seeing Lyndsy, I also started FOUNDATION's BUILD program and have been blown away by how life changing it has been for me. Let me tell you more…

"FOUNDATION’s BUILD Program is a 12-week health coaching program that lays the groundwork of behaviors and habits that will help you achieve your personal health and wellness vision. You’ll gain knowledge about how to nourish yourself with the right foods in the right amounts, how to move often and well, and how to rest and recover from stress with resilience. But more importantly, you will build practices and accountability to bridge the gap between KNOWING and DOING. Consistently. Sustainably. For the rest of your life. All of this is done with a coaching philosophy that is strengths-based, meaning you won’t just be told everything you’re doing wrong, but will use your strengths as catalysts for achieving your goals. You’ll stop running from what you think is wrong with you and run towards what serves you. Break the negative cycles affecting your wellbeing. Create positive protocols that give you the health and wellness you want."

BUILD stands for:

Behavior change. Identify your current behaviors and leverage evidence-based strategies for changing them if needed.

Understand. Get familiar with yourself, what works for you, what doesn’t, and the habits and practices that will serve you best.

Intentional. Cut through the noise of what influencers and fake “gurus” tell you you’re “supposed” to be doing and set an intentional wellness vision + supporting practices that are meaningful to you. 

Learn. Gain knowledge about foundational health habits and how to integrate them into your life. 

Do-able. This is not an extreme approach. This is a series of small, simple changes that when multiplied over time create long-term sustainability.

blonde woman with black turtleneck smiling at with mantel with candles sitting in green candlesticks behind her
Certified Health Coach, Kari Brownsberger

During this program I meet my Certified Health Coach, Kari Brownsberger, on a weekly basis. She checks in on all areas of my life and health and we dive deeper into each issue and goal I want to achieve. We work together to find solutions and new habits that will help me create the foundation I need to live "my best life." I never ever feel pressure to check any specific boxes or follow any strict regimens. Everything is personalized and each week we make a plan for success in reaching my goals according to where I'm at and what's happening in my life. It’s incredibly personalized. 

I gotta be honest... At first it was all a little exhausting and felt a bit overwhelming. I began health coaching sessions and making a lot of changes at the beginning of May - the most chaotic month for a parent of school-aged kids! In many ways it was the “worst” time to start something new. There were lots of areas of my life that I knew I wanted to work on and making lifestyle changes and becoming more intentional with things took effort - mentally and physically. And change - even if it’s positive - can still be hard. I’m so glad I didn’t wait until “the perfect time” to start focusing on my health, though. Although on paper it was terrible timing, in reality it was great timing because I was given so many great tools and practices that helped me navigate through such a stressful and busy time. I was able to get through the mayhem of May and come out “on top.”

As I've progressed through the program (I’m a little over halfway through my 12 weeks) I'm finding that some of the changes I've made have become more natural and habitual and I'm experiencing "wins" in a sustainable way. I truly am being coached in a way that will set me up for success in the long run, not just for a few weeks or months. Let me give you some examples. 

I started BUILD wanting to incorporate more movement into my life. The first couple of weeks I set goals of regularly getting out for a 10 minute walk, using my walking pad while on my laptop and going for bike rides with the fam. I’ve stretched those movement goals and have now signed up at a gym and made regular workouts there a priority. Not only that but I’ve even pushed myself to go regularly to the 6:30am class - something I never EVER would have imagined I’d do. All of this was because we took things week by week and put both intention and planning into this area of my life. 

Another big thing I wanted help with was managing stress and overwhelm. I felt like I was struggling in what felt like ALL areas of my life to stay on top of things. I wanted to figure out ways I could be more organized and prepared to face the many challenges and demands that were constantly coming my way. Kari and I have come up with some great strategies together. We’ve worked through the many factors that make my life feel stressful and overwhelming and taken steps towards facing each one with intentionality. For example, I’ve been taking a few minutes each night to mentally prepare for the next day. I think through the next day’s schedule and write down some top priorities and mentally think through when I’ll fit in things on my to-do list into the day. The practice is small but the impact is huge for me! 

I could go on and on about all of the different things we’ve done and how thankful I am for the work we’ve put in, the changes I’ve made and the impact it’s all had on every area of my life. I’ve got a ways to go but I’m looking forward to finding even more ways to live a really healthy version of my life. 

office sitting area with the word FOUNDATION on the wall and a circular table in the middle
FOUNDATION's space is beautiful!

***I’m thrilled to share that the team at FOUNDATION is offering Boise With Kids followers a 10% discount on the BUILD program! Please don’t wait for that “perfect time” or when you’ve “got your life in order” to take the time to focus in on YOU and your wellness. The invaluable skills you’ll learn and time you’ll give yourself will help you show up as the mom, wife, friend, and the rockstar HUMAN you want to be.***

FOUNDATION Functional Medicine & Aesthetics Details:

Address: 1674 W Hill Road, Ste 11 & 15 and their NEW Concierge Functional Medicine offering with LUXE. Offering all that FOUNDATION offers, wherever it is convenient for you!

Hours: Tuesday-Friday 10-4 by appointment only 

Contact: call: 208.954.2359, email:


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